Chris Mitchell

Contact details,
Career, Personal,
Research interests and activities,
Teaching materials,
List of publications,
Security and other useful links,
Useful forms,
LaTeX resources,
PhD student resources,
Professor Chris Mitchell
Information Security Group
Royal Holloway, University of London
Surrey TW20 0EX
Tel. (direct line) 01784 443423
Tel. (secretary) 01784 443101
Fax: 01784 430766
Email: C.Mitchell@rhul.ac.uk (work) or me@chrismitchell.net (home).
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Prior to his appointment as Professor of Computer Science at Royal Holloway, University of London, in March 1990, he was a Project Manager in the Networks and Communications Laboratory of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol, which he joined in June 1985. Between 1979 and 1985 he was at Racal-Comsec Ltd. (Salisbury, UK), part of Racal Electronics Plc, latterly as Chief Mathematician.
Since joining Royal Holloway in 1990 he has played a role in the development of the Information Security Group, and helped launch the MSc in Information Security in 1992 and the MSc in Secure Electronic Commerce in 1999. He spent the academic year 1996-97 on leave of absence from Royal Holloway as a full-time consultant at Europay International, Waterloo, Belgium.
He continues to act as a consultant on a variety of topics in information security.
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Born in Polegate (Sussex, UK) in 1953, Chris Mitchell attended school in Polegate and Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex, UK). He received his B.Sc. (1975) and Ph.D. (1979) degrees in Mathematics from Westfield College, University of London.
Since 1983 he has lived in Codford, a small village in Wiltshire.
Here are some pictures of me receiving a cake for my 50th birthday!
A few personal photo albums are now available here.
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His main research interests are in information security and combinatorial mathematics and its applications.
The focus of much of his recent research has been on trusted
computing and its applications. A summary of recent ISG
contributions in this area is provided here.
He has made contributions to a number of international collaborative projects. Completed projects include:
- Open Trusted Computing, an EU 6th Framework Integrated Project, defined and implemented an open Trusted Computing framework.
- Distributed Trust, an EPSRC funded project that investigated the use of trusted computing technologies to support greater levels of trust in the Grid.
- He was a member of the EPSRC-funded Network of Excellence on Digital Electronic Identity, led by Dr. M. Rajarajan of City University. This two-year collaboration, running from 2008 to 2010, involves a range of industrial and academic partners from the UK and India.
- Mobile VCE (Core 3), a UK collaborative programme of research in mobile telecommunications, which ended in September 2005,
- USB_Crypt, an EU 5th framework project that developed a high performance USB security token, and integrated it into a variety of applications, which ended in December 2003,
- Mobile VCE (Core 2), a UK collaborative programme of research in mobile telecommunications, which ended in September 2003,
- PAMPAS (Pioneering Advanced Mobile Privacy And Security), an EU 5th Framework project that established a roadmap for future European research on mobile privacy and security, which ended in July 2003,
- SHAMAN (Security for Heterogeneous Access in Mobile Applications and Networks), an EU 5th Framework project which examined security issues for post 3rd generation mobile telecommunications networks, which ended in February 2003,
- Finger_Card, an EU 5th framework project which developed a smart card with an integrated fingerprint reader and integrated it into a variety of applications, which ended in June 2002,
- USECA, an EU ACTS programme project on mobile systems security, which ended in 2000 (in which RHUL acted as a sub-contractor),
- ASPeCT, an EU ACTS programme project on security for third generation mobile telecommunications systems, which ended in 1998,
- 3GS3, a DTI/EPSRC LINK project on security for third generation mobile telecommunications systems, which ended in 1996. The 3GS3 project produced three Technical reports, all of which are available on line:
- Technical Report 1 (on Security features, i.e. Security services) - available in zipped pdf;
- Technical Report 2 (on Security mechanisms) - available in zipped postscript or zipped pdf;
- Technical Report 3 (on Security architecture) - available in zipped pdf.
He is currently convenor of Technical Panel 2 of BSI IST/33, dealing with Security Mechanisms and providing input to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 on which he currently serves as a UK Expert and as editor of three international security standards: ISO/IEC 11770-2 (key management using symmetric techniques - 2nd edition), ISO/IEC 19772 (authenticated encryption) and, as co-editor with Bart Preneel, ISO/IEC 9797-1 (MACs based on block ciphers - 4th edition). He previously served as editor of ISO/IEC 9796-2 (digital signatures giving message recovery - 2nd edition, and a subsequent amendment), ISO/IEC 9798-2 (entity authentication based on symmetric encryption - 2nd edition), ISO/IEC 9798-4 (entity authentication based on MACs - 2nd edition), ISO/IEC 9798-5 (zero-knowledge based authentication protocols - 1st edition), ISO/IEC 9798-6 (manual authentication protocols - 1st edition), ISO/IEC 10118-3 (dedicated hash-functions - 1st edition), and ISO/IEC 18033-1 (encryption - 1st edition). Details of published ISO standards are available from the ISO Web Page.
He served as a member of Microsoft's Trustworthy
Computing Academic Advisory Board between 2003 and 2014, and as
a member of the DoCoMo Euro-Labs Advisory Board between 2005
and 2009. He has been co-editor-in-chief of Designs,
Codes and Cryptography since January 2011, and became the
section editor for Section
D (Security in Computer Systems and Networks) of The Computer
Journal in January 2014. He was a senior editor of IEEE Communications
Letters between 2012 and 2015. He has served as a member of the editorial boards
of the International
Journal of Information Security, Information
Management and Computer Security, KSII Transactions on Internet and
Information Systems, and the Journal of Wireless Mobile
Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Dependable Applications.
He is a member of the accreditation board of Computer and
Communications Security Abstracts. He is a member of the Panel
of Assessors for the British
Computer Society's BCS
Professional Advice Register: Security Section. He was
appointed as a member of the UKAS Information Security
Technical Advisory Forum in 2003.
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The slides for a PhD student session on Plain English are available here.
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Security Workshops at Royal Holloway
Information, including copies of presentations and participant lists, are available for the following security workshops.
If you are interested in cryptography (and/or cryptographers), then the following web pages are recommended.
Upcoming conferences
For information about the IACR conferences (Crypto,
Eurocrypt and Asiacrypt) see the IACR web site.
A useful list of conferences with a security component is
available here.
Security literature links
General research links
Random but fun links
- The www.publicprofiler.org
page gives the concentrations of people in the
various parts of the world who possess any given
- Here is a top page for music (and badger) lovers.
- Here is a link to another Chris Mitchell's rather fun
Security standards links
- See ANSI online for information on ANSI standards.
- Information on CEN standards is available from
- The Common
Criteria Project Home Page provides access to the
latest version (v2.1) of the Common Criteria,
which are technically identical to ISO/IEC 15408 Parts
- For copies of the EMV standards, and related documentation, go to the EMVCo site.
- The ETSI web site
allows downloading of ETSI standards, including
those for GSM.
- All the standards produced by the European Committee for Banking Standards (ECBS) are available for free download here.
- General information on IEEE standards is
available here. Specific
information on IEEE P1363 is available at the P1363 home
page. The IEEE 802 series standards
(=ISO/IEC 8802) are now freely downloadable here.
- The Internet (IETF) documents, including current drafts, are all available at the IETF home page. Expired drafts are available here.
- There is now an online version of the ISO register of cryptographic algorithms.
- For information regarding published ISO
standards, see the ISO
web site. Note that those ISO standards that are
publicly available (only a small number I'm afraid) are
available here.
There is also an ISO/IEC SC27
web-site, containing general information about
security standards. ISO has introduced the extremely
useful Online
Browsing Platform, which provides a way of
searching for definitions and a range of other material
from the introductory parts of ISO and ISO/IEC
- The ISO 17799 forum
page contains much useful information about
ISO/IEC 17799.
- For information regarding published ITU-T
recommendations, click here.
- The NIST FIPS publications are all available
on-line here.
- The 3GPP documents (technical specifications for
a 3rd generation mobile system) are available from here.
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General information
Handling graphics
- If you need to include pictures in a LaTeX document, then good advice is available here or here.
- A small command line program called jpeg2eps will convert images from jpeg to eps format.
General tools
- If you need an editor to create and modify your LaTeX files, then WinEdt is very highly recommended (although there is a modest licence fee). Another useful tool is TeXnicCenter, which has the advantage of being completely free.
- lgrind is a tool that pre-formats source code in various programming languages for best presentation when included in a LaTeX file. Information on setting up lgrind for windows platforms is available here.
- The tth tool will convert from LaTeX to html format.
- Figures and tables can sometimes be a little tricky to manage, especially if you have a lot! There is some helpful advice on the University of Cambridge Engineering Department pages.
Bibliography tools
- A lot of useful information on use of the BibTeX bibliography tool is available here. By the way, it is important to be aware that some of the BibTeX provided on the web, e.g. at the Citeseer website, is not very useful, and is often completely erroneous. There is no substitute for compiling your own correct entries (or at least checking entries you are importing from elsewhere).
- The jabref tool can be used to manipulate BibTeX entries. However, whilst this may be a useful tool, remember that if you put garbage in, you get garbage out. Precision and completeness is extremely important when dealing with bibliographies.
Ph.D. thesis templates
- A template used by a number of past Ph.D. students,
particularly those completing theses in Pure
Mathematics, is available here.
Please note that there is no guarantee that this
template will generate a thesis in accordance with the
current college regulations - please check the
regulations before, during and after writing your
- Stephen
Wolthusen has developed a template
specifically designed for RHUL Maths/ISG students. The
complete package is available here.
As in other cases, there is no guarantee that this
template will generate a thesis in accordance with the
current (ever changing) college regulations.
- Another PhD thesis template developed within the ISG
has been produced by Saif Alkuwari. The zipped package
is available here.
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most recently updated on 17/3/20. Please send all comments and
corrections to me@chrismitchell.net.
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