Advanced Security for Personal Communications Technologies
 (ACTS AC095) 

ASPeCT Deliverables

There were 19 Public Deliverables produced as part of ASPeCT. A brief description and a link to the document is given for each one.
ASPeCT Deliverable Table
Deliverable 02 - Initial report on security requirements This is a report collating and analysing initial requirements on UMTS security migration, security services and for fraud management. It is based on the views of users, service providers, network operators and regulatory bodies. 
Deliverable 04 - Report on the use of UIMs for UMTS  This deliverable reports on the work undertaken by WP2.4 in Year 1, including a preliminary view of the UIM migration path, security requirements on multi-application cards, a review of physical constraints on smart cards, and an initial study of the feasibility of alternative user-UIM authentication methods. 
Deliverable 05 - Migration scenarios This report outlines the possibilities for the migration path from second-generation systems to UMTS, to enable a more detailed set of security requirements to be established than were available in D02.
Deliverable 06 - Definition of fraud detection concepts  This was the main deliverable from WP2.2 in Year 1, giving the results of investigations into typical ways in which fraud occurs, and identifying fraud indicators. The different possible approaches are described and an initial evaluation of their suitability made. 
Deliverable 08  - Fraud management tool: First prototype These initial tools were used to establish the feasibility of different approaches to detecting and preventing fraud in mobile networks. Enough functionality was included to determine whether the approach - rule-based or neural network - was suited to the application. 
Deliverable 09 - Trusted third party services: First implementation The specification in D07 was implemented to allow a simple demonstration of the services that could be provided and verify the operation of the key management mechanisms.
Deliverable 10 - Secure billing: First implementation This deliverable contains a demonstration of the protocol between user and the network side providing the non-repudiation service required for secure billing.
Deliverable 11 - Report on limiting smart card constraints on UIMs This report identifies current and future physical constraints on smart cards relevant to the UMTS UIM, and assesses the impact on UIM functionality.
Deliverable 12 - Migration scenario: First implementation After the detailed investigation on security aspects of different migration scenarios, this report identifies which are feasible.
Deliverable 13 - Fraud management tool: Evaluation report The trials of the first implementation of the fraud management tools are evaluated.
Deliverable 14 - Trusted third parties: Evaluation report Feedback from users and other parties on the initial end-to-end security service demonstration are reviewed and assessed.
Deliverable 16 - Secure billing: Evaluation report The demonstrator forming D10 is evaluated and concepts adapted and refined accordingly. This deliverable contains the results of this evaluation.
Deliverable 17 - Migration scenario: final version This deliverable describes a single migration scenario, showing how all security concerns are addressed.
Deliverable 18 - Fraud detection concepts: Final report This report contains continuing analysis of the different approaches, and, in particular, reviews how they could be taken further for the final trial.
Deliverable 19 - Final trial and demonstration implementations This consists of demonstrations of the use of the UIM with access to end-to-end security services and billing security services, as well as trials of the fraud management tool and the migration performance.
Deliverable 20 - Project final report and results of trials This contains an evaluation of the results of the trials and feedback from the demonstrations. It also contains all the publicly available major results of the project.
Deliverable 23 - Vocal password-based user authentication demonstration This deliverable demonstrates the implementation of the the multi-password system, and the storage and retrieval of the low-storage voice templates on the smart-card.
Deliverable 24 - Vocal Password-Based User Authentication Report This report contains an overview of the research work done within this field, both single- and multiple-password algorithms are discussed, and some security issues are mentioned. 
Deliverable 25 - Legal aspects of fraud detection This objective of this deliverable is to determine the legal rules which apply in the various fields of law to the use of fraud detection systems by mobile communications operators or service providers.
