Advanced Security for Personal Communications Technologies
 (ACTS AC095) 

ASPeCT Papers

This page contains links to the available ASPeCT Papers.
ASPeCT Papers Table
P. Burge "Frameworks for Fraud Detection in Mobile Telecommunication Networks", Mobile and Personal Communication Seminar, Limerick Ireland, 06/06/96.
P. Burge et al "Fraud detection and management in mobile telecommunication networks", 2nd European Conference on Security & Detection - ECOS, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Security and Detection, IEE Conference publication 437, pp. 91-96, London, 28/04/97. 
P. Burge "Detecting Cellular Fraud Using Adaptive Prototypes", AAAI-97 Workshop on AI - Approaches to Fraud Detection and Risk Management, Rhode Island, 27/07/97. 
P. Burge et al "BRUTUS - A Hybrid Detection Tool", ACTS Mobile Summit 97, Proceedings of ACTS Mobile Summit 97, pp. 722-727, Aalborg, 07/10/97. 
L. Chen, D. Gollmann, C.J. Mitchell "Key escrow in Mutually Mistrusting Environments", Cambridge Workshop on Security Protocols, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1189, Cambridge UK, 10-12/04/96. 
L. Chen, D. Gollmann, C.J. Mitchell "Tailoring Authentication Protocols to Underlying Mechanisms", ACISP'96, Australian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, LNCS 1172, Wollongong NSW, 24-26/06/96. 
J. Degraeve et al. "Migration/Evolution Towards UMTS - Security Issues", ACTS Mobile Summit, Granada Spain, 27/11/96.
J.C. Francis, H. Herbrig, N. Jefferies "Secure provision of UMTS services over diverse access networks", IEEE Communications Magazine 36:2, February 1998, pp132-136. 
B. Franco "Demonstration of UMTS authentication", 2nd International Distributed Conference on Network Interoperability, pp. 715-721, Madeira, 16/06/97. 
B. Franco "Demonstration of the authentication framework for UMTS", 4th International symposium on Communication Theory and applications, Ambleside, 13/07/97. 
B. Franco "Authentication for UMTS: Description of trial", EPMCC 97, Proceedings, ITG-Fachbericht 145, pp. 351-358, Bonn, 30/09/97. 
P. Gosset and M. Hyland "Classification, Detection and Prosecution of Fraud on Mobile Networks", Proceedings of the 4th ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Sorrento, June 1999  
H.-J. Hitz and G. Horn "Sicheres bezahlen fuer informationdienste in zukuenftigen mobilnetzen", Proceedings of SIS'98, Stuttgart, 26-27 Maerz, 1998, vdf-Verlag, S. pp. 349-370 (in German). 
G. Horn and B. Preneel "Authentication and payment in future mobile systems", Computer Security - ESORICS'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1485, pp. 277-293, 1998. 
G. Horn et al "The Use of Trusted Third Parties and Secure Billing in UMTS", ACTS Mobile Summit, Granada Spain, 27/11/96. 
G. Horn et al "Trialling secure billing with trusted third party support for UMTS applications", Proceedings of the 3rd ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Rhodes, June 1998, pp574-579. 
N. Jefferies "Optimising enhanced mobile services by incorporating IN functionality into the SIM card", Implementing IN to Optimise Mobile Networks, London, 30/06/97. 
N. Jefferies "Securing the future for mobile communications", Proceedings of the 4th ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Sorrento, June 1999  
L. R. Knudsen and T. P. Pedersen "On the Difficulty of Software Key Escrow" 
M. Lapere "User authentication in mobile telecommunication environments using voice biometrics and smart cards", 4th International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, IS&N'97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1238, pp. 437-444, Cernobbio, 27/05/97. 
S. Manning "An update on the latest telecommunications standards for the GSM SIMs", Cards North Asia 97, Hong Kong, 20/11/97. (slides) 
K.M. Martin "Increasing efficiency of international key escrow in mutually mistrusting domains", 6th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1355, pp. 221-232, Cirencester, 1997. 
K.M. Martin "Applying Cryptography within the ASPeCT Project", Information Security Technical Report (1998) Vol. 2 No. 4 pp.41-53. 
K.M. Martin and C.J. Mitchell "Analysis of hash function of Yi and Lam", Electronics Letters (1998), Vol.34, No.24, pp.2327-2328. 
K.M. Martin et al. "Secure billing for mobile information services in UMTS", Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Ubiquitous Telecom Services, 5th International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, IS&N '98 Antwerp, Belgium, May 1998. LNCS 1430, Springer, 1998, pp535-548. 
C.J. Mitchell and L. Chen "Comments on the Secret Key User Authentication Scheme", Operating Systems Review, Vol. 30 No. 4, 10/96. 
Y. Moreau et al "Novel Techniques for Fraud Detection in Mobile Telecommunication Networks", ACTS Mobile Summit, Granada, Spain, 27/11/96. 
Y. Moreau, H. Verrelst and J. Vandewalle "Fraud detection in mobile communications using supervised neural networks", Proceedings of SNN'97: Europe's Best Neural Networks Practice, World Scientific, Amsterdam, May 1997. 
Y. Moreau, H. Verrelst and J. Vandewalle "Detection of mobile phone fraud using supervised neural networks: a first prototype", International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1327, pp. 1065-1070, Lausanne, 1997. 
B. Preneel "On the security of two MAC algorithms", Eurocrypt'96, LNCS 1070, pp. 19-32, Zaragoza Spain, 12-16/05/96. 
K. Rantos and C. Mitchell "Key Recovery in ASPeCT Authentication and Initialisation of Payment Protocol", Proceedings of the 4th ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Sorrento, June 1999  
G. Vanneste "ASPeCT UMTS authentication and UIM trial", IS&N'98, Antwerp, May 1998 (slides). 
G. Vanneste, N. Jefferies, E. Johnson "UMTS benefiting from public-key authentication", Proceedings of the 3rd ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, Rhodes, June 1998, pp. 185-190. 
